Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Situations that make me rage at Lauren -
1. Drugs
2. feeling disrespected by her exes regardless if there's any merit
3. not having my feelings respected or considered

When I rage, I know the logical solution is to wait until I'm calm to talk, but I get so furious that I need to scream and I need to talk it out just this second. However, the problem with this is when I get angry I have a tendency to say the first thing that comes to my mind and i tend to be extreme in my thinking and become incredibly illogical and disrespectful and then later regret it. I don't know what sets me off to the point where I get enraged. No situation should enrage me the way they do. I need to remind myself when I get angry that it is not always the best idea to talk it out right this second. I need to come up with more productive strategies to handle my anger. I need to learn to walk away from situations with Lauren and breathe and gather my thoughts as opposed to just saying them as they come to my head. I hate who I become when I get that angry but I can't justify to myself that I don't want to see that person again. I don't know why things Lauren does has a tendency to make me so angry. In retrospect, some of the things she does aren't that bad, but I think when I feel like any of the three things mentioned above happen, I feel insecure and then I feel like I don't matter and I am somewhat worthless or unappreciated and in turn, because my love for her is more intense than any love I've ever experienced, I develop an all or nothing mentality to where self-harm seems to be the only solution to numb the pain/make her feel bad for "hurting" me. But in reality, my self harm does nothing to keep her around; in fact it pushes her away. But in my mind - when I'm angry - "if she loved me she'd stop doing things so I wouldn't want to hurt myself". But if I learn to control my anger, self-harm will no longer be an issue. I need to calm down to truly assess the situation and learn to communicate more effectively with her and others. I need to become more secure and trusting so I don't feel threatened and accept that I can't control anything but myself. I need to allow myself to be more vulnerable/less crazy. I need to do things and learn to not hang them over people's heads as my father used to do to me. I need to become a more loving and understanding partner who can communicate effectively and be more understanding of our differences and embrace our similarities. I need to learn to just breathe...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

SOC 320 Writing Assignment

Several Factors lead to an environment that is conducive to rape on college campuses. Many of the factors that affect a fraternity's behavior deals with their emphasis on machismo and portraying a strong, powerful image to outsiders. Many fraternities stray away from recruiting members who studying the arts or have traditionally-feminine majors. Additionally, men who do not physically exude masculinity and strength are often overlooked. Fraternities who have members who are physically appealing tend to be more popular amongst the student body as well as among females. However, in order to convince women to have sex with them, they often use alcohol as a weapon to coerce them. One way in which gang rapes occur is when women are intoxicated to the point that they can no longer give consent to sexual activities and several members of the fraternity take advantage of her intoxication.

Additionally, fraternities have a high level of loyalty where members keep their business within the fraternity. Moreover, if issues appear within the fraternity, they are encouraged to solve them within the fraternity as opposed to involving school officials and police authorities, which can diminish the level of secrecy within the organization. Moreover, in cases of rape, regardless of an individual's stance and opposition, because of his loyalty to the fraternity he will go along with their actions as opposed to ouright defying them.

In order to improve the environment so that it is no longer conducive to rape, fraternities will need to change their goals and their recruiting to ensure that they are recruiting men not because of their exemplification of masculinity, but because of their portrayal of fraternity standards and true masculine standards.


Because individuals in the medical profession are held to such high prestige and are instilled with such a high level of trust, those under their care are less likely to assume any wrongdoing or negligence on the part of the medical professional. However, unfortunately, a large number of people are victims of medical negligence andwrongdoing each year. Prescribing unnecessary medicines, misdiagnosing a patient, and recommending unnecessary procedures are all examples of unethical practices. As a result of the heavy influences of insurance companies and those who are involved in the health care industry, many people are paying billions of dollars for medicines and procedures that are not needed.

Medical professionals are under a "protective cloak" - where because they are held to such a high level of esteem and are instilled such high levels of trust, people are reluctant to question the doctor's decisions and in turn, feel take their word as bond. Similar to members of a fraternity, doctors have a high level of loyalty to insurance companies in that - while the health of the patient is important - sometimes the financial benefits of a misdiagnosis can deter a doctor from making an ethical decision and to make one based on personal gain. Moreover, the prestige offered to physicians gives them more social capital to make decisions without question from those outside of their circle.